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The Cloud Secrets Show

Aug 29, 2019

Hey everybody, Marcel Martens here, and welcome back to the Cloud Secrets podcast. Today our contest will finish and we will have to pick a winner for the logo. So last night I dropped a few polls in some communities and groups on Facebook and Instagram, et cetera. To well, get other people's and other entrepreneur's opinion.

I'm on my way to the office now and when I'm there, I'm going to check the polls and see what will be other people's favorites. I already sneaked at my phone this morning, and I saw a question from some other IT guy, who made a post on, well, based on your headline, how to become a cloud expert within 14 days, without making any investments or prior IT knowledge, and start making money on day two. His question was, "Oh, I don't know what you're talking about. What kind of cloud do you mean? Do you mean Amazon? Do you mean VPSs? On Rackspace"?

And that was a really good one because, as I told him, how tunnel vision you get when you're in your own zone. So that's why it's always nice to have other people's opinions. I was truly convinced that when I was talking about cloud secrets, that they all knew what I meant, and that it was meant to be that I meant my cloud foundations.

Let me tell you a story. About two or three years ago. I do this every year with my wife, usually around Christmas, we chilled out and relaxed, most of the time we're on holidays. And then we talked to each other and we discussed, so what's, what's next year going to be? Yeah. What are the big goals for next year? And a few years ago, I believe it was three or four years ago, we sat and our main target for the next year was getting me out of operations. The entire business was always dependent on me as the expert, to help my colleagues and customers to get everything done. And that's not how we can scale a business. So our target was to get me out of the operations and the day to day.

Well, we managed to get me out in 2017, so since 2018 I've got a whole lot of time to do other things like this. And while we were on holiday at Christmas in 2017, we were thinking about, okay, what's the next step for our services? And that's where the Always Save in Business package, that we sell here in the Netherlands came from. We sat there on Center parks, if I'm remembering correctly, and my wife asked me the question, "What does every entrepreneur or business owner need, to be able to do his thing, to provide the best tools for its people that work there? What does every entrepreneur or business owner need in kinds of IT and Cloud, to be able to do, what he wants to do?".

So we were thinking and, it took me a while, but after a few weeks or months, I don't know, we created this package, which contains a… all entrepreneurs need email, and they need it on any device, wherever they are. And they don't want to see their inbox, they also want to see their sent items and everything. The other thing they need is their data and documents. So they want to be able to look and access all their data on any device, anytime, wherever they want, wherever they are. Third thing is, they want to make sure that it's properly backed up. So we make sure that the solution has a backup solution within it, so all the data and email also will be backed up daily. So the entrepreneur or business owner doesn't have to take care of that himself.

Fourth is, they also want to be sure that all their data and emails are protected in all the systems. So we included the antivirus with our unique ransomware policy. So these four items is what made up the Always Safe in Business package, and that's what I mean with cloud foundation. Every business owner or entrepreneur is a need of this foundation in IT. And it doesn't matter if he uses Mac or Windows, laptop, tablets, computers, even working in a remote desktop, in the cloud somewhere. These four things are the things every entrepreneur needs to be able to do its business. So we mold it into a package and that's what we're selling here. And that's what I'm going to teach you on the Cloud Secrets course.

So if you want more, follow me and stick with me, because the launch date is coming very soon. And you can go to Instagram and follow @clouds.secrets. You can also keep track of, that's where I post all my new blogs, podcasts, vlogs, everything.

And for now, that's it. I'm going to walk into the office and check my polls and see which came out best. And I'll keep you posted on the results. Again, have a nice day. Bye bye, Marcel.